
butterd corn

a blk man a white man and a china man is lost in tha wilderness for three weeks one day they come upon a farm tha blk man knocks on tha door

who is it someone says
we three men have been lost for three weeks and were hungry and famished
tha man opens tha door and says
you can eat here and sleep but only if u have sex wit mi daughter first

dayum, tha men said ,food sex and a place to sleep cant beat that

so tha blk man went upstairs and seen tha mans daughter was fat stinkin and somemore shyt
he looks around tha room and sees a pile of corn
he takes corn shucks it does his bizness to tha gurl and thros it out tha window

white man does tha same thing
so tha blk and white man are down stairs eatin sausage pancakes and some other food
when tha china man runs in tha house and says
yall missed it i just had two ears of corn wit butter on ithem
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Tags: china man


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