
Interesting Texas Cities

Need to be cheered up?

Happy, Texas 79042

Pep , Texas 79353

Smiley , Texas 78159

Paradise , Texas 76073

Rainbow , Texas 76077

Sweet Home , Texas 77987

Comfort , Texas 78013

Friendship, Texas 76530

Love the Sun?

Sun City , Texas 78628

Sunrise , Texas 76661

Sunset, Texas 76270

Sundown, Texas 79372

Sunray , Texas 79086

Sunny Side , Texas 77423

Want something to eat?

Bacon , Texas 76301

Noodle , Texas 79536

Oatmeal , Texas 78605

Turkey , Texas 79261

Trout , Texas 75789

Sugar Land , Texas 77479

Salty, Texas 76567

Rice , Texas 75155

Sweetwater , Texas 79556

Why travel to other cities?

Texas has them all!

Detroit , Texas 75436

Colorado City , Texas 79512

Cleveland , Texas 77327

Dayton , Texas 77535

Denver City , Texas 79323

Klondike , Texas 75448

Nevada , Texas 75173

Memphis , Texas 79245

Miami , Texas 79059

Boston , Texas 75570

Santa Fe , Texas 77517

Tennessee Colony , Texas 75861

Reno , Texas 75462

Feel like traveling outside the country?

Don't bother buying a plane ticket!

Athens , Texas 75751

Canadian, Texas 79014

China , Texas 77613

Dublin , Texas 76446

Egypt , Texas 77436

Ireland , Texas 76538

Turkey , Texas 79261

London , Texas 76854

New London , Texas 75682

Paris , Texas 75460

No need to travel to Washington D.C.

Whitehouse , Texas 75791

We even have a city named after our planet!

Earth , Texas 79031

And a city named after our State!

Texas City , Texas 77590


Energy , Texas 76452


Blanket , Texas 76432

Winters, Texas

Like to read about History?

Santa Anna , Texas

Goliad , Texas

Alamo , Texas

Gun Barrel City , Texas

Robert Lee, Texas

Need Office Supplies?

Staples, Texas 78670

Men are from Mars, women are from

Venus , Texas 76084

You guessed it.

It's on the state line..

Texline , Texas 79087

For the kids...

Kermit , Texas 79745

Elmo , Texas 75118

Nemo , Texas 76070

Tarzan , Texas 79783

Winnie , Texas 77665

Sylvester , Texas 79560

Other city names in Texas , to make you smile......

Frognot , Texas 75424

Bigfoot , Texas 78005

Hogeye , Texas 75423

Cactus , Texas 79013

Notrees , Texas 79759

Best, Texas 76932

Veribest , Texas 76886

Kickapoo , Texas 75763

Dime Box , Texas 77853

Old Dime Box , Texas 77853

Telephone , Texas 75488

Telegraph , Texas 76883

Whiteface , Texas 79379

Twitty, Texas 79079

And last but not least, the Anti-Al Gore City

Kilgore , Texas 75662

And our favorites...

Cut n Shoot, Texas

Gun Barrell City , Texas

Hoop And Holler, Texas

Ding Dong, Texas

And, of course,

Muleshoe , Texas
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