
Too Drunk

A normal man walks into a bar one night. He sits down to order himself a few shots. Taking the last shot he notices a jar full of $100 bills. He asks the bartender "what's with the jar?"
The bartender says "it's a contest."

The man then asks him, "what do I have to do to win all that money?" Thinking this is going to be easy, forgetting how much he had already drank. The bartender tells him well you have to put $100 bucks in. So the man drops a $100 bucks in and says "all right leme hear it."

The bartender then explains what he has to do.
"First, see that bouncer over there? You have to knock him out in one punch." The man thinks wow he's huge, himself only being 5'6.

"Second, our owner has a mean pitbull in the back with a loose tooth. You have pull it out in 3 minutes."

"Third, see that old woman 5 seats down from you? Shes been comming here for 40 years and hasn't been laid once. You have to but her a drink and fuck her in one night." The man thinks to himself wow this might be harder than I thought. The bartender then tells him. "Oh and one more thing, go."

The man quickly jumps up, runs over to the bouncer and knocks him out in one punch. He then runs to the back, you hear the dog wailing and the man screaming so loud the whole bar can hear it.

The man then runs out screaming "Now wheres that old lady with the loose tooth!?"
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