
The Flying Drink

A man visiting the big city hears of a bar on the west side of town that is located on the top floor of a skyscraper. Finding the idea of such a strangely located bar intriguing, he resolves to pay it a visit. Upon his arrival he sits down and asks a local, "Hey, I'm new in town; is this bar any good?" the local replies, "Oh, Yeah! Its great! They have this incredible secret recipe for a Flying Shot! After you drink it, you can fly!" The man, being fairly educated, was immediately skeptical, but the local recognized his disbelief and decided to persuade him. "Look, I'll show you," he adds as he waves to the bartender. "Bartender! Get me one of those Flying drinks!" The bartender nods, mixes a shot, and hands it to the local who hastily consumes it. "Just watch," he says with a smile as he throws himself out of the 39th story window. Unbelievably, the local soars through the air, flipping and spinning, preforming aerial acrobatics with the greatest of ease. After some time he lands back in the bar with a grin. "See? I told you!" Shocked and awed the tourist, fumbles his words. " Uhh... wow." After recovering from his stupor, he hiked up his courage. "Alright then, I guess ill give that a shot. Bartender! Get me one of those Flying Drinks!" The bartender hands him a shot, he downs it in one gulp, and with a deep breath, heaves himself from the window, plummeting to his death. As the local sits back down at the bar, the bartender looks at him, shaking his head, and says, " Superman, you're such an asshole when you're drunk."
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