
Gay rooster

An old rooster is ready to fuck all the chicken since it's mating season, All of a sudden a strong, young, and dominant rooster comes out. The old rooster says, "what the fuck are you doing here?", the young rooster says, "I'm here to fuck all the chicken", the old rooster replies, "I was here first so I get all the rights to fuck the chicken". The young one says, "I am young and stronger than you, what makes you think you can fuck these chicken?". The old rooster comes up with a proposal, he challenges the young rooster to a race, whoever wins gets rights to fuck the chicken, the young rooster laughs and gladly accepts the challenge. The two are at the starting line and the old rooster asks the young one if he could have a head start, the young one says "sure, why not, I will beat you anyway". The race begins and the young rooster runs like hell to pass the old rooster until *BOOM*. A farmer picks up the young rooster and says "That's the 3rd gay rooster I had to kill today, fuck!"
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