Parrots have a skill that’s the fascination of bad kids in pet stores around the world. In short, if you say something nasty to a parrot, it’ll lodge whatever you’ve said into its little bird head and say it back whenever it pleases.

This has historically caused issues. For example, there was that one internet user who couldn’t get his parrot to stop making Alexa fart. There were also a bunch of people throughout history who couldn’t prevent their parrots from going on swear-filled tirades.

Now, there’s a zoo in the U.K. that’s having a similar problem. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that the birds have been placed in curse therapy.

According to NPR, the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is home to birds that swear. The birds’ swearing had become such an issue that the zoo posted a sign next to their enclosure warning onlookers that they may catch some foul words if they hang around the exhibit long enough.

The zoo had tried a few different methods for getting the parrots to stop running their mouths — but to date, none of them have worked.