
Hey you guys!

Lately I've been thinking too much to blog properly. Do I want to tell an interesting story about my life? No, lately, in light of the very passionate blogs, I've only wanted to write a blog about all the shit I regret in my life.


I started this blog with the intention of leaving the section for a while,�mainly because I just realized I'm not as popular as�I imagined myself being.�And then a random thought popped into my head. "My hands are cold." For some reason, as soon as I thought of this, I got instantly happier. Why? No idea. And, as the Great Bohankeeton said when I first left the section "I think you post what you want and hopefully you get what you need."


Damn, there really are good people on EBW. I'm thankful of the first time I wandered into the Blog section. I've always been here in the background, only writing a few times a week. I was here through the "Great Fire," through the mindless rantings of angie111, through the whole Eshel deal, and all that good shit.


I guess I'm staying for a while. But I think its time to be honest with all of you.



I am the Crayak.

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