
Response to the GO VOTE! Blogs

You're all retarded. Let me explain something to you. Every single person who went out and registered themselves to vote, is going to vote. No shit, people don't get off their ass and go register and then not vote. They registered because they intend to vote, because they understand how important it is, and they certainly don't need to be reminded that today is the day.


Now, all the people who did NOT register, HAVE ALREADY MISSED THE DEADLINE!! It's already too late, you can't register to vote ON election day. So guess what, fucktards? That means that by procrastinating until election day to write your little "Vote! It's Important!" blogs, you've already FAILED to reach the people your message needed to reach, and your blog is now MEANINGLESS.


Now sit down, and shut up. I can assure you, the voters are voting, and the non-voters have already missed their chance. Jumping up and down screaming OMFG YOUR VOTE IS TEH IMPORTENCE!! isn't going to do anything but annoy all the people who actually have a clue how this works.

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