
Return To Oblivion

It's nice to see some things never change.


How long has it been? Four months? Five? Anyway, good to see most of you are still around. (Where the fuck is Bo? Anyone??) It warms my heart to see that the spirit of complaining and mindless bitching has not been lost here at the old hangout.


Oh! It seems my ol' pal Poopie McPoopsacola is still about --- good show.


Hope everyone has been well since my pre-Christmas departure from here. It seems that with a promotion comes the inability to waste several hours a week on a blog section at a second-rate website. How has everyone been? Keeping busy? Hope so. It's been business as usual for me: work, sleep, manage to find time to spend with the kid, repeat. Otherwise,  can't complain.


I've spent the last hour or so buring through some of the old blogs here; it's nice to see some fresh new faces making a splash. Keep it up; I'll try and drop in more frequently to see what's happening.


Anyway, as for those of you who know or give the slightest of shits as to who I am, let me assure you I am alive and well.....just really, really busy. I'll try to jump on sometime soon (I've got a year supply of "piss-me-off" blogs to write piling up in the ol' brainbasket) and look forward to seeing what you folks have been up to.


To the old gang: I look forward to the "old day" of blogging.




Thanks for reading,


The Big Bad

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