
Being an asshole to the troll-wife

One of the biggest points of contention in my upcoming divorce is where the kids will go to school.  I'd prefer they go to the best schools (by any measure) in Clark County, around where I work.  My wife wants them to go to school where she lives.


My son goes to Safe-Key, a before and after school care program.  He gets dropped off an hour before school and picked up an hour after it's over.  It costs about $250/month.  If he went to school with me, it wouldn't be necessary.


The troll-wife has spent all of our money.  We're totally without funds until Friday.  I'm borrowing money from my daughter to pay for gas.  I went in to pick up my son after school and they told me we owed money for his care today and the rest of the week.  Since troll-wife spent up all of our money, I told them that she'd pay in the morning, she can just use the credit card she got for herself.  They told me that's what she said, I'd pay this afternoon.  This wasn't mentioned to me by the troll-wife.


I still didn't pay.  I'm going to tell troll-wife, when she gets home, that since we can't afford to pay for it, I'm going to take my son to school with me tomorrow and get a zone variance for him to finish the last couple weeks of school with me, where I want him to go.


I'm not sure I can actually do that.  I mean, I think I can.  But she's going to shit a brick.  She'll probably just pay for it herself, but the button pushing is going to be sweet.  What's more, she'll pay for it like she ought to.  It's nothing but win for me.


I understand that it's infantile for me to get pleasure from doing shit like this, but at this point in my life, I'll take pleasure where I can find it.


Edit:  troll-wife and the kids are at my sister-in-law's for my niece's birthday.  I'm going to work out and meet Lisa for coffee.  I wasn't invited.  Last week, they went to a nice restaurant for my sister in law's birthday.  I wasn't invited.  When my son asked why I didn't go, troll-wife told him I didn't want to go... Lying bitch.



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