
What Precipitates a Perception of Another Individual?

Indeed! What does? When someone you have never met, performs a maneuver in traffic that causes you to slam on your brakes as you remember those you love.  Do you perceive that individual as an asshole without human emotion or concern for others? Most probably. Have you ever been that selfish individual? Most likely.

I really enjoy observing other people and their foibles. It takes the sting out of knowing I am just like them. It reminds me of past transgressions I too have committed.  It consults me to understand the ramifications of my actions.

There is a consideration for others when we deal with them directly. Even here in blog land if you chat with someone, you readily  form an understanding and friendship in most cases.

What is it about anonymous that allows us to be uncaring and reckless?  I chatted with Deevo and he reminded me if you chat directly with an individual, you tend to get along. I suppose that option is not available as two cars race towards a merging lane on a highway.

Perhaps we should all perceive other individuals as people we converse with and people who have taken some time to chat with us.  Even if you have never met them before, on the highway or in a line-up, pretend they are a friend or someone you care for.  Would you not feel better that they have safely merged or are getting back to the family they love?  Just saying!

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