
Nemic and lil pete's adventures PaRT 2

 When they arrived , a denise fog began to cover the landscape. Then..... outta of no where a skeleton hooded figure appeard . It was MERLOCK THE UNDEAD Warlock. He began to cast a spell which rasied demons from the ground. Nemic began to cast levitation spell on  Lil pete. When he did lil pete ran off to safety . The ranger started to reach for his glowing red arrows and the fight was about to began ................
                    Merlock first sent  his minions in. They where big dark creatures with spiked armor and each one had a different weapon. Nemic shot 3 fire arrows at one of the demons and it has no effect. One of the minions bashed him to the ground with a 2 handed Mace. Then outta no where Lil pete casted a banish spell and destroyed all 3 demons. Merlock then started to cast a acid rain spell over Nemic. Nemic was out cold.. The acid began to eat thru his leather gear . Lil pete then stabed the warlock from behide with a Ice dagger..... The warlock was frozen solid .....                               Lilpete brought nemic to safety and started a fire .  Pete found someting unusual on the warlocks body, including the dust he need to enchant nemics weapon. It was a round pendent , with red and purple gems. He tucked it away and didnt tell nemic. A couple days later Nemic finally woke up and asked what happend.. see Nemic didnt know that lil pete was really a necromancer. Which pete told him when he awake. Nemic" what happend" pete " you were injuryed, and i had to use the Dagger of   Winter.  Pete got the dagger 60 years ago on a gnome raid. The great dragon  Morgana  destroyed Petes home land and they had to put a end to Morgana. When they killed it. There was a crystal that was use to help forge The dagger of winter. which can only be used once.                       Nemic and Pete still have to complete there quest, which was get enough dust.  they continued on the hunt for mini drakes and undead casters . In order to get the best dust for enchantments are killing dragons .. so mini drakes will do . Pete takes the heart of the mini drakes and extracts the enchanted hearts .. They had to travel about 2 weeks to get to the field of the forbidden.         Day 3     Pete and nemic wake up, they head south towards the heat. Most drakes are localed in the heat usualy unless there ice drakes which they are alot bigger then the drakes they use for fire enchantment dust . As they begain to walk, they spot a camp of orcs .. Nemic and Pete watch them for hours from a far until the sun set .. By that time the orcs were drunk and sleepy so Pete an Nemic will make there attack at night ..          ....... to be continued 
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