
10 Fetishes I Hope You Don't Have

10 Strange Sexual Fetishes

    Sexual fetishes are things that everyone has on their mind. Whether it's something innocent or something straight of out a medieval torture device, everyone thinks about one kink or another. Some are intriguing like that one girl who's into some three way situations while others make you lose sleep like that creepy neighbor you have who you are pretty sure fucks dead people. Here are ten strange fetishes that would without a doubt make you question the persons sanity:

1)    Agalmotophilia
    This fetish is where a person have a sexual attraction to usually naked statues, dolls or mannequins. This fetish can manifest itself in many forms including actual sexual contact with the fake person, fantasies of having sexual encounters with that mannequin in Macy's who you've had your eye on for some time now, the act or sexual fantasy of watching encounters between the objects themselves, and/or sexual arousal from thoughts of being transformed or transforming into a body-shaped object.
    There's no feeling like the feeling of thinking about two mannequins getting together and rubbing their artificial dirty parts together. As for thinking about transforming or being transformed into the object, do these people get turned on by the Transformers? 
Optimus Prime has the biggest set of truck nuts in the Autobot army. 

    It is believed that Greek statues put leaves over their genitals to keep them from being molested all the time. But so far all attempts have been futile. No one can hear their cries.

2)    Partialism
    This is a fetish brought on by sexual attraction to certain body parts. To be diagnosed by the DSM, you have to have these urges for at least six months and have social or occupational impairment. Have you been obsessed with the receptionists feet in those sexy heels for the better part of a year? Are you unable to complete those reports due to the urge to run to the bathroom and rub one out to the thought of that receptionist wearing flip flops with matching nail polish? If say you are one who has this fetish.
"I saw how you kept showing off your high arches to me. I must draw them."

    This fetish usually comes on in early life and will last for the majority of their sex life. Treatment is available in therapy and medication. Foot Fuckers Anonymous and a daily dose of some medication with probably deadly side effects. Seems legit.

3)    Paraphilic Infantilism
    Usually men have this fetish. This is where a man has an sexual attraction to wearing diapers and acting like an infant. It's commonly called adult baby syndrome. Or the I suffered a severe traumatic experience as an infant syndrome. Many people act like an infant going as far to enjoy pissing and shitting in their diapers.
"Time to breast feed me mom."

"Tom you are fifty years old. Get your shit together. I knew you walking in on me and your father fucking would have horrific effects on you."

    It is believed to be caused by childhood sexual abuse or transgender issues. Some cases report the person reaching orgasm from deficating in their diaper. I'm not going to investigate and find out why that is. I just simply do not want to know and want to stop thinking about this forever so I can sleep without thinking Rob Schneider dressed as a baby is going to come out from my closet.

4)    Mechanophilia
    Sexual attraction to cars or other machines. Now as I've been a mechanic since I was sixteen, I do have a passion for cars. But not quite like this. Never have I ever seen a muscle car and thought, "this car is so sexy I just want to shove my dick in it's muffler while it's still warm." 
    In some countries, this is seen as a crime and people charged with it are put on a sex offenders list.
Lindsay Lohan was in court again for being arrested after she was seen sitting on Herbie's shifter. He is pressing charges for rape and says that there are not enough pine tree air fresheners in the world to get the smell out.
    There's even godamn porn for this shit. It is known that Japanese cars have the smallest shifters while muscle cars are using their huge engines to compensate for something. Italian cars and other exotics are the biggest sluts in the industry.
    I simply have no other words for this. 

5)    Dacryphilia
    A fetish involving getting off on making others cry. Not in regular situations. This only occurs during sexual activity. It also is triggered by someone displaying strong emotions. There is Sadistic Dacryphilia which is where someone from seeing someone suffer psychologically. And then there's Voyeuristic Dacryphilia which involves a person watching someone cry as a third person.
    Neither of these sound like not creepy situations. Just what happened to you to make you into this sort of shit? I'm willing to bet every sadistic serial killer out there has this fetish without a doubt. 
John Wayne Gacy probably dressed up as a clown to make his victims cry then bottled their tears and drank them to consume their souls after he killed them.

    And of course there is porn for this to. And no I did not poke around on these link  for it. I leave it for you to do if you choose to do so. I'm probably on some kind of watch list just for looking it up. But, it's a risk I'm willing to take to provide you with entertainment of the weird shit that lives in this world. porn

6)    Acrotomophilia
    This is just flat out creepy. Someone with this fetish is turned on by amputees. But, there is one justification to it. Amputees need love to even if they lost an arm and can't do doggystyle. They are people too. Wheelchairs and crutches are also turn ons for these people. So just think of the next time you break your leg and need a wheelchair and crutches you may be entering a sex gold mine.
        Stephen Hawking got a new wheelchair equipped with float devices to keep him from drowning in all the pussy he's getting.

7)    Somnophilia
    A fetish where a person likes to watch their partner sleep. Also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, has been linked to incest and necrophilia. How all this is linked together I do not know and would not like to know.
    The name somnophilia was coined by John Money, a sexology scholar. And brother of Eddie Money. He describes it as a syndrome:  "of the marauding-predatory type in which erotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and dependent on intruding upon" someone who is unable to respond. So pretty much these people get off on doing things to people as they sleep. They then will wake up their partner after they are done with their sex acts. 
Bill Cosby was definitely into this. He probably did the deed while wearing his vast collection of sweaters from The Cosby Show.

    Just keep in mind that the next time you're sleeping your spouse may be watching you sleep close by having some of the most intense orgasms of their life without you knowing a thing. Bet you'll think twice before refilling that prescription of Ambien now.

    Sweet dreams!

8)    Forniphilia
    Using someones body as a piece of furniture such as a chair or table. Here are some actual sentences from 
"The act of turning a woman into nothing more than a piece of functional furniture is the ultimate goal for many bondage enthusiast. Often completely immobile the woman finds that she is at least useful to her owner, perhaps performing the role of a table, chair or even hatstand."
    That's not creepy and humiliating in the slightest. Not at all. Does youe wife suck at cooking and cleaning? Well make her useful by turning her into a table or hatstand! This is clearly the way to go. Again here's another few sentences from that website:
"Many find this type of sexual objectification highly erotic, especially if the subject is in someway vulnerable, perhaps her mouth or pussy are exposed. Knowing she cannot move she can only hope she will be of some use. Awaiting use, she is forced to wait and obey until needed."
    Ever want to fuck your coffee table of your favorite recliner? Than this is for you! My question is, who the fuck would agree to this shit? 
"Honey, you really aren't a good fuck, cook, or cleaner. But I have a feeling that you could make a great lamp."

9)    Liquidophilia
    This will make you stay out of all kinds of swimming pools for the rest of your life. Tending to be exclusive to men, this is when they get sexual pleasure from immersing their genitals into liquids. It is reported on thi website that some prefer to use milk or yogurt because they simulate bodily fluids.
    Just look at the list of other related fetishes on there. Sexual arousal from floods? Sex in a bath tub or under water? Spraying water onto your genitals while you masturbate? The fuck is going on here? 
"This tsunami is making me so hard I'm about to explode and make a flood of my own if you know what I mean."

10)    Symorophilia
    People who get off on witnessing or staging accidents are said to have this fetish. It also involves any thoughts or urges of disasters leading to sexual arousal. Treatment usually isn't needed unless it becomes a legal issue. Full of sexual tension and frustration? Just throw some old tires off a highway overpass and begin to feel yourself swoon with horniness. 
    One treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The other is orgasmic reconditioning.
    I don't know about you, but orgasmic reconditioning doesn't sound like a pleasant process. Unless it involves watching loads of porn to try and rewire your brain into being turned on by normal things. Like fucking for one and definitely not any of the other options on this list. 
"Sorry, I just really needed to smash your windshield to get off. It's been a tough month. I haven't seen one single godamn highway pile up."

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