
Im voting republican because... joke beating up republicans. or

Im voting Republican because when my 12 year old daughter gets raped by a scumbag i don't want her to get the morning after pill.

Im voting Republican because i want american soldiers to keep dieng in that hell hole of Iraq for the next hundred years.                                                         

Im voting Republican because i'll be dead when we run out of oil and it wont be my problem that we never developed alternative energy.

Im voting Republican because i care about you before your born but i don't give a damn about you after your born.

Im voting Republican because when i don't have anything good to run on i like trashing the democrats.

Im voting Republican because the twenty firearms i own don't mean a thing if i cant have an uzi.

Im voting Republican because i like when my president kisses the ass of the Saudi Arabian king and gets nothing in return.

Im voting Republican because i'd rather build more prisons than more schools.

Im voting Republican because i don't give a damn about anyone less fortunate for me

Im voting Republican because only the rich deserve tax breaks.

Im voting Republican because although not all Republicans are stupid, all stupid people are Republicans.

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