

So here I am sitting at my desk at work, enjoying the darkness of this massive storm blowing through, praying to god the power goes out so that I can go home. Anywho, so as I am sitting here this woman walks in. This is not a common occurance considering this is a POS computer firm, and most of our business is through the phones. She is dressed in short shorts a white tank top with her black bra sticking out in any place it can appear. Flip flops and chewing gum! She proceeds to ask me "How can I go about getting a job up in here?". I look at her and say "we are not hiring". First and foremost there is NO ad in the paper. Secondly, how the fuck are you going to look for a job looking like that! FOR AN OFFICE POSITION!! My boss is pretty fucking awesome, he is all about lax dress code. But have some fucking respect considering you are looking for a job. Then to speak "up in here" makes me wonder if DMX is gonna pop out.  Then she says. "is this all one company or more?"" I say more." ok well do you know if they are hiring?" WTF DO I LOOK LIKE HR FOR OTHER COMPANIES? "no ma'am sorry cant help you." Then she lingered in my doorway like i had a job to magically appear. I bet i will see her working at wendy's when i get my lunch.


***UPDATE:*** As i was writing this she walked past and ran out of the building. (thunderstorm in full swing now.) The boss from upstairs came in and said "did you send her upstairs?" I said "no she came in looking for a job" he said "yea she came up there too. Demanding a job popping her gum and flip-flops, nice bra though." and left laughing.

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