
27 Fresh Wholesome Memes We Saw This Week

Here's a nice dose of relatable memes to take the edge off. 

The weekend is upon us, and that means we have an immeasurable amount of pent-up rage, aggression, and general dissatisfaction with the past week. Fortunately, we don't have to see a single other soul until around 8:50 a.m. on Monday if we don't want to, so there's plenty of time to take the edge off. In addition to a few beers, maybe a cigarette or two, and some television couch time, we suggest scrolling through a few nice and relatable wholesome memes to help you relax. 

Most of these memes focus on the parts of life that stress us out the most, be it work, parents, extended family, school, or even current events. And while it's true that there is one pretty big current even stressing out most of the world, there are plenty of different things not worth worrying about to the same degree. We doubt you care that much about Will and Jada Smith's allegedly former relationship, but that doesn't mean you don't want a meme about it. 

Even Hershey's Chocolate managed to nab a spot on this meme list, with its irreplaceable Reese's Cup. Maybe you should have a few of those while you scroll through these memes. 

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