Robotics Company Shares Video of Their New Android Convulsing in Agony The future is here whether you like it or not.
Dude Trying to Run from Cops Gets Hit By a Car and Flipped Back Into Custody Well, that couldn’t have gone much worse.
Great, Another Doomsday Fish Has Washed Ashore There’s been a few too many “end of the world” stories for comfort recently.
‘Thank God It Didn’t Smash My Big TV’: Woman Has Best Reaction to Her House Getting Hit by a Car She’s in good spirits about the whole thing.
Heroic Woman Accidentally Records Herself Saving Three People From Drowning It’s not on most people’s vacation to-do list.
No Donkeys Sleeping in Bathtubs and 18 Other Very Silly Laws That Somehow Exist Laws are necessary for a functioning society. However, some laws are archaic, inspired by freak events, or flat out nonsensical.
Kid Delivering Cupcakes on a Hoverboard Gets a Face Full of Frosting Don’t give the dessert to the kid on the balance board.
23 Dirty 'Dark Souls' Victory Screens Gaming and horniness go hand in hand — just ask anyone who's spent too much time in a Discord VC at 3 AM.
30 Photos of Plutonium and Nuclear Bombs We're so jealous Homer Simpson touches this stuff every day.
24 Crazy Sci-Fi Implants and Body Modifications Humanity will end when we forget to charge our organs.
Partiers Try to Shoot Fireworks Off Their Balcony, Shoot Them at Themselves Instead Point the tip *away* from you.
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours Twitter only needs a couple deadly disasters to be funny again.