Dude Almost Gets Away With Spitting on Someone on the...
- Never get too confident.
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Woman Tries to Catch Falcon, Misses, Then the Bird...
- Don’t make the falcon look like a fool.
Man Stalks, Stomps and Elbow Drops the Dude Who Stole...
- You so rarely get opportunities like this!
Grandpa Crashes Tiny Helicopter, But Is Pretty Happy...
- Good spirits on that dude!
Cell Phone Explodes in Woman’s Pocket
- Taking “lighting up my phone” to a whole new level.
Dude Trying to Steal Fish Gets Hit Over the Head With...
- Robber, meet snapper.
Dude Tries to Cut Down Tree, Knocks Down Himself and...
- This is why we hire a professional!
Idiot Knocks Himself Out Trying to Run Through 1,000...
- Who could’ve expected that? (Everyone.)
Horse Rider Accidentally Clotheslines Himself on Road...
- The roads just aren’t designed for horses anymore.
Biker Tries to Stop Street Dancer, Gets Stopped Instead
- That’s what you get for trying to throw off his...
Hockey Player Sucker Punches the Helmet Off Another...
- Only slightly more violent than normal hockey.
Woman Gets Punched in the Face by Elephant
- No photos!
Man Doing Laundry Narrowly Avoids Washing Machine...
- Check your pockets before putting your stuff in the...
Moped Driver Gets Intentionally Struck by Car
- I don’t like the things either, but this is a bit...
Food Delivery Driver Gets Clotheslined by Loading Dock
- A delivery guy, getting delivered to the ground, by a...
Commuters Nearly Get Wrecked by Stolen Car
- As if riding the bus wasn’t bad enough.
Man Rides Motorcycle on Iced-Over Pond, Gets What’s...
- Really, what did you think was going to happen?
Woman Trying 'Boiling Water Trick' Gets Boiling Water...
- Stupid games, stupid prizes, etc.
Man Invents Creative Way to Give Himself a Concussion
- And I’m sure the doctor will be very interested in...
Man Attempting Stunt Flips His BMX Bike Straight Into...
- Is it really a stunt if you don’t almost kill...
Deer Flattens Dude in Fast Food Parking Lot
- Special delivery!
Man Briefly Sets His Entire Head On Fire
- What a scary few seconds.
Street-Crosser Becomes Pinned Between Two Buses
- This is why you gotta look both ways.
Entire Chair Falls Off Ski Lift At Expensive Resort
- If you’re paying $130 for a lift ticket, you’d at...
Men Enter Women-Only Train, Get Slapped
- Hey, you’re not supposed to be in here!
Woman Gets Dragged Across Ice by Dogs Chasing Skunk
- Learn to control your pups!
Tourists Get Blown Away by Jet Takeoff
- This is why you don’t choose the beach spot next to...
Drunk Man Tries to Flee Cops, Runs Into Glass Door
- Sometimes, foiling crooks doesn’t take much.
Bulls Enter Convenience Store, Wreak Havoc
- Turns out it’s not just China shops that the beasts...
Storm Brings Whole Shed Crashing Onto Dude’s Porch
- That’ll take a bit of cleanup.
Drunk Man Successfully Rips Tree Out of the Ground,...
- I think even *he* didn’t expect to be able to do...
Driver Pepper Sprays e-Bikers as He Races By Them
- And the internet’s response is…mixed.
Woman Dressed as Mermaid Gets Bit by Big Fish
- Look like a fish, get treated like a fish.
Dude Sits on Air Mattress and Fills It Until It Pops
- Somehow, he seems surprised that it hurt!
580lb Woman Shows Why MMA Has Weight Classes
- You can really hurt someone else, or, in this case,...
Trucker Texting While Driving 18-Wheeler Learns Why...
- You should never text and drive, but especially not...
Dad Tries to Dribble Ball, Ends Up Flat on His Face
- He just couldn’t handle the, uh, 'walking' part of...
Racist Streamer Gets Pepper Sprayed While Live
- Aww, poor guy (not).
Girl Gets Adorably Attacked by Capybara While Swimming
- It’s just so cute!
Tourist Trying to Take Photo By Train Gets Hit By Train
- Well, what did you think was going to happen?
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