The only thing worse than getting locked out of your house? Flashing your entire neighborhood as you attempt to sneak in through an open window.

One English woman realized that there are, in fact, fates more embarrassing than leaving your keys at home, finding herself forced to shimmy through her front window with the help of one very strong pal.

After several attempts at getting up through the window — “Are you gonna do it or not?” the homeowner angrily asked her friend standing behind her — the woman finally made it into her home … only to find herself stuck in the front window with her breasts out.

Though she screamed for help, the pane of glass in front of her muffling her cries, her friend was so struck with laughter that she couldn’t possibly help her bud out of her very sticky predicament.

“I can’t! I can’t! I can’t breathe!” her friend yelled, doubled over in laughter.

While the homeowner was ultimately able to maneuver back into her house, doing so via a back-walkover/belly-flop hybrid that almost brought down her curtain rod, we’re almost positive she’ll never forget her keys again.