Things are getting weird. People are freaking out on airplanes. Shoplifters are taking over London. Apparently, there are aliens now? No matter which way you look at things, it really feels like the present is one of the strangest times that have ever existed.

Naturally, a time like this has bred many conspiracy theories. There is, of course, QAnon, where people think that a high-level government official is spending their free time posting on an image board used by 12-year-olds. There are also all those people who thought the vaccine contained microchips, or those few months where people kept setting fire to one of the only ways to get decent internet in this country.

However, Redditors have now landed upon the biggest conspiracy idea of all: What if we’re all just… fine?

In a post with a sense of latent terror, redditor That_Sweet_Science asks, “What happens if we get to 2030 and nothing major has happened?”

“No society collapse. No financial collapse. No second pandemic as predicted by Bill Gates. No cyber attack. No famine. No depopulation. No alien invasion,” That_Sweet_Science writes in the post. “Will the great reset have been a failure, or was it just all in our mind?”

To a normal person, the idea of things working out alright in the end sounds like a fairytale ending — or at least an ending that doesn’t provoke an extreme sense of dread. However, r/conspiracytheories is not for the normal person, and as a result, commenters met the idea with a mix of fascination and denial.

“It will happen 100%,” wrote a user. “don't be naive.”

“Something’s gotta happen. This slow boil is ridiculous. It can’t go on forever like this,” stated another.

Some users even fantasized about what this insane reality described by That_Sweet_Science would be like, apparently not realizing that he was describing things exactly as they are now. “It’s unlikely that it won’t happen. But if it really doesn’t happen, I’ll stop working and stay home, cuz nothing matters anymore,” promised a commenter.

Apparently if there *is* famine and depopulation, this dude will continue working. Make this man employee of the month!

Still, some realized that there was no sense in getting lost in these conspiracies — especially given all of the, you know, actual problems that there are. Or as one commenter declared, “I’ve lived through enough doomsdays to stop listening to people who make those types of predictions.”