We regret to inform you that Golem's twin brother, Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, has a huge dong. According to a recent photo, and after much investigation including zooming in over 200% we can confirm Vitalik's member could star as the snake in the next installment of the Anaconda franchise.   

A picture of Vitalik made the rounds on Twitter today and it paints a pretty decent outlook on the future of Ethereum. 

The above image has not been edited in any way, but for the sake of his underwear, we wish it had been.

The size of Vitalik's dong was taken so positively by the internet that it had a sizable impact on global crypto markets. You know what they say, any press is good press, right? 

It's fun to imagine the opposite happening. Say the founder of Solana has an underwhelming dick pic released and the price crashes. That would be expected. What makes today memorable is Vitalik is the last person you'd expect to be carrying around a desert eagle in his pocket, and for that reason, the future of Ethereum looks bright.