Elon Musk and Tesla are back in the news again, and this time it might be a good idea not to jump to any conclusions. Earlier in the week, Elon Musk hired the creator of the Absolute Unit meme to run Tesla's social media accounts and we can't be certain, but this might be the first of many 'fake' social media stories to come out of the partnership. 

Musk has always been a man of memes and also earlier this week, made a commotion by commenting on a PornHub Instagram post, from a video where two people partake in a dangerous auto-pilot sex video in which they, well you get it. 

It's been a great year for the car company though, as they have made strides in cornering the electric car market, but video surfaced the other week of a major Tesla Model 3 design flaw. Now, the news of a supposed Official Tesla PornHub account began to circulate and well, it was too good to be true.  

So we did our due diligence, and to our disappointment, we could NOT find the official Tesla page as promised, but that won't stop us from looking again later!