Howie Mandel is a known for his role on the hit show, 'Deal or No Deal', where he instructed models to open cases filled with money. Now he's spending his days reacting to videos of prolapsed anus's on TikTok. 

Howie Mandel has yet to give an explanation to why he reacted to a video on TikTok of a man's prolapsed anus. The video has since been deleted and Howie has yet to mention the video is any of his subsequent posts. 

The video begins with Howie reading a comment that we assume is from one of his followers. Behind him a very iconic picture of a man in a red leotard squatting exposing his prolapsed anus. 

The comment Howie reads is as follows. "When my friend Neil bent over this happened. Does somebody know, is this COVID related? And if it is, what do we do about it?" Howie responds with a single, "oww" before the video ends. 

Beware, what is been seen cannot be unseen, proceed with caution

We can only assume Howie had no idea what he was looking at, and might have believed he was reacting to someone with honest intentions.  Well turns out he let a troll get the better of him and he opened the case with a prolapsed anus. God damn.