Pictures of a spider monkey lying on its back, covered in blood, and wearing a diaper and tiny bullet proof vest, spread like wildfire last week online. The poor little monkey was collateral damage in a shootout between Mexican State Police and the criminal organization La Familia Michoacana, which left ten people dead. 

The shootout took place on June 14th, and the picture of the monkey was taken when he was found lying next to who was presumed to be his owner, who was also dead. 

The monkey has since been immortalized by the internet and even had a Narcocorrido written for him. Narcorrido's are songs written for and about drug dealers and drug smugglers. 

Warning: the video is graphic. 

According to Vice, the song's lyrics include the following lines:

“He is on his way to heaven,”

“But he left a legacy.”

“Changuito [little monkey], it was not your turn to die. Someone stole your story because you came here to win and to shine in many things.” 

Gone, but never forgotten. May the narco-monkey always remains in our hearts and minds, and may you take him into your arms, all powerful Spaghetti Monster in the sky. RIP