zack and miri make a porno bad porn acting

While we may never know exactly why the acting in porn must be terrible, we at least finally have a special place to go and appreciate the kind of overly dramatic, underly logical performances unique to pornography.

That place is the Twitter account Bad Porn Acting, and it's a shallow but wonderful trove of cringey non-se(x)quiturs, dumb plot lines, and brilliantly bad dick jokes.

While real actors have put together parody bad acting porn intros before, like the old web series James Gunn's PG Porn, they lacked some pizazz because you know it's supposed to be funny and fake. But the scenes collected by this Twitter account are all—fortunately or unfortunately— 100% real.

There's not many clips on the account, probably because it takes time to come by these really ridickulous moments, but they're all short and sweet.

Some of them are so insanely written they almost deserve an award for coming up with such elaborate and disturbing sex jokes.

Hopefully one day the Academy Awards are brave enough to nominate this kind of cinema to the platform it deserves.