A St. Petersburg couple recently found themselves nursing several brutal injuries after tumbling several stories off a balcony during a now-viral domestic dispute

Olga Volkova and Yevgeny Karlagin, both 35, proved the dangers of brawling too close to the sun, sparking the attention of passersby as they went at it on the balcony of their third-story apartment in a historic neighborhood of the Russian city.

Fighting couple fall from third story balcony
byu/Sporting16e inPublicFreakout

After several moments of wrestling each other,  the scores were ultimately settled, the pair both tumbling to the ground after the railing gave way, a break that also sent their patio furniture flying to the sidewalk below.

Though fortunately Volkova and Karlagin, who share a son, both survived the fall, they suffered non-lethal injuries per local media. These included several broken limbs, probably some very painful bruises, and of course, the pain of forever being known as the dumba—es who decided to duke it out on a very flimsy balcony.