The Office Bloopers best funny

The Office is still one of the most quoted and talked about tv shows even though it hasn't been on television for years. This show is a modern classic and will be remembered for decades to come. So in honor of the phenomenon that is 'The Office' let's go back and rewatch all the best blooper reels. 

Season 1:


(Season 1 Bloopers Not Found)

Season 2:

The Office aired in September of 2005 and was a huge success. Critics claimed that it may have been the best season of a sitcom ever produced and propelled the cast into instant stardom. As 'Dunder Mifflin' began to downsize the show explored the relationship between Michael Scott and his boss, Jan while Jim began to fall for his office crush, Pam. 


Season 3:

The Office saw the introduction of Rashida Jones and Ed Helms who were both members of Dunder Mifflin Stamford, the brach where Jim was relocated. This season dealt with the same downsizing storyline and saw the growth of the personal relationship between Jim, and Pam, Michael, and Jan, and Dwight and Angela grow. 

Season 4:

Basically, season 4 focused on the same plotline as season 3 but with the absence of Rashida Jones and a greater focus on modernizing the company instead of downsizing. Jim and Pam's relationship continued to grow as did Micahel and Jan's. 

Season 5:

The Office was nominated for 10 Emmy awards for season 5 and saw a huge growth in ratings. The premiere episode, "Weight Loss" was seen by 4.9% of all 18 - 49 year-olds in the United States. The plot for season 5 followed much of the same storylines and relationships as season 4. 


Season 6:

New relationships and the culmination of old ones are the main focus of season 6. Pam and Jim welcome their new baby into the world. Dwight threatens to turn Creed's skull into a soup bowl. Michael Scott dresses up as Santa Claus. And the Office plays an intense game of murder mystery.  

Season 7:

Michael begins the season by spanking their intern Luke, who is his nephew. He is then forced to have a 6-hour sit down with Toby. Michael later finds out he has a cold sore leading to a sex education course and him calling all his ex-girlfriends. And the season ends with Michael going to Colorado with Holy and the new boss (Will Ferrell) taking over. 

Season 8:

Pam is pregnant again. Dunder Mifflin has a new CEO. Andy has a larger role in this season, managing the sales team and trying to win over the heart of Erin, the girl he loves. 

Season 9:

The final and last season of the Office ends with a reunion of the cast that made up this mockumentary. The cast finally sees the first cut of their long-awaited documentary as this cult classic comes to an end after nearly 9 years of being America's favorite show.