
1d3n717y Blog Contest 2

Why can't I just name it "Blog Spammer, Pog Slammers"???  All the blogs in the contest should be named this.  Regardless the video of the "Schizo Smoking Salvia" reminded me of a personal experience with ol' Sally D.  As an extra note I must ad that the video actually upset me in a way, as that gentleman’s experience is not entirely the norm for the plant.  Usually if the mind is strong you can have a wonderful experience and enjoy the "breakthrough."  The reason the video upsets me so much is that they now have more evidence to show in court to make the plant illegal.  Honestly, this is not needed, very rarely have I heard people that have indulged in it state "Oh man, you know what I want to do right now?  Salvia!"  While same may argue that you do not hear this because of it's current legal status, but if you were to actually try it you would know why it is an enjoyable experience it is not one you feel the need to recreate or experience again.  Anyways, on to my story


I was a Sophomore in High School and I worked at one of two *large corporate fast food franchise* in my small hometown of 5357.  This *large corporate fast food franchise*  was the older of the two, and it rarely had customers other than the morning rush hour traffic (this is due to the fact that it was out in the country and located right next to the high way.  The more new store of the same company was located in town and near the college, so it naturally had more customers).  Most of my days there consisted of myself working drive through (or drive-thru in newspeak) all by myself.  When the store was not busy, my job was so easy that I could sit in my car and smoke pot while taking peoples orders via the headset I wore.  


One of my fellow employees was a friend of mine that I had known since before I could remember anything.  We spent most of the hours at the store smoking bowls and snorting lines and conversing with girls from neighboring towns.  Our managers were aware of our antics and said nothing as one went to school with us and was acceptable of everything despite the fact he was a rather straight laced fellow.  The female managers had their own vices, which was either the young men that worked there or the guys that worked there through work release (the latter of two would take it in the ass in a corn field from these guys and would openly talk about it).  As for the owner, he was a cool guy, he was my baseball coach from elementary school through middle school, and he himself enjoyed indulging in chemicals here and there.


Now to the point of the story (a.k.a. tl;dr):

One day my friend explained to me that he picked up some Salvia Divinorum extract 40.  I was intrigued despite the fact that I had smoked salvia leaves in the past.  The experience with the leaves was nothing special; all that had happened then was I was at my computer as I smoked them and my fingers grew long as I typed.  I of course has researched the plant and was aware that the extract was what was needed to obtain the "breakthrough."  At this point in my life I had already researched and tried most of the chemicals that interested me, so I decided to have him pack me a bowl so that I could experience it to it's full potential.  As he handed me the bowl, he informed me that I must put the bowl down immediately.


So I went to my car, smoked my normal bowl of marihuana as I listed to Radiohead's "Kid A."  I then picked up the bowl of Salvia and put the flame from my lighter to it.  I then inhaled and waited about a minute through "How to Disappear Completely."  I noticed nothing happened so I proceeded to take another hit.  As I was inhaling I noticed everything started to have dark lines around them, much like you would noticed in an animated show.  Then those lines began to lose their shape and wave much like a spectrogram to the beat of the music.  


As I was mesmerized I thought "OH SHIT! THE BOWL!"  However, the bowl seemed to no longer be in my hand, instead my steering wheel had multiple bowls of the same, and were connected from front to end in the shape of a wheel.  I thought "what the fuck?!" and grabbed one of them.  It snapped off and made the sound much like legos would make.  So then I grabbed another one; same thing.  This continued until my steering wheel became non-existent, and I had both hands full of about 8 bowls.  I threw them to the side, and then stared at my digital clock in my motor vehicle.  Like most hallucinogens time can be a confusing thing, so I stared at it wondering what the numbers meant.  Then the green glowing lcd numbers melted down my dashboard into my CD player.  After they disappeared into the device I too was sucked into the disc player.  As I spun around sitting on one of the CD inside, Radiohead was playing their instruments on the other, and they were playing a brand new song just for me (despite the fact the album was still "Kid A" and I had heard said album numerous times before this incident)!  By the end of the song I was sitting back in the car, but it was filled with water.  I grabbed my throat, gasping for oxygen (I later realized I must have still been inhaling from taking the hit in).  I then opened the door to my car, but rather than the water spilling out, it just vanished.  I then went to stand up out of my car, but I hit my head on something and noticed I was still sitting in my car... but my ass was on the ground.  I had another "what the fuck" moment, and then made my way out of the vehicle.  As I was walking back to the restaurant it felt as if my knees were backwards (there was some movie I saw as a child, I forget the name of the movie, but it had aliens whose knees were actually backwards and they could sit on their legs and support themselves).  As I made my journey back to the store I noticed a gentleman staring at me, and I thought I was have appeared the way Hunter S. Thompson (Johnny Depp) looked in "Fear and Loathing" as he was walking on Ether.  


I then gave the bowl back to my friend, waited a few moments to recollect my thoughts, and then proceeded to tell this experience for the first time.  Every time I go to a music festival, my friends get me to tell new people we meet this story.  However I always leave out the part where right after that I started to head home.  I got in my car, started the car, and as soon as I got on the highway everything turned white for a few seconds.  

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