
2010 eBaumy eWards

Brace yourself eBaum users, eBaum's World is having their 1st Annual eBaumy eWards!

Most of you already know of this...and yet some do not, so let me give you a little heads up/awareness to this cool event taking place.

Before I go into some detail, if you're interested please join this group if you have not already.(Don't worry, you won't get worthless PM's that don't deal with the group).

Various categories will be submitted into the ballots, so you all can vote for whom ever you want. When you join this kickass group, you will be able to select nominees and also vote for the winners of each category for the 1st Annual eBaumy eWards!

A couple examples of some Categories may be "Best Blogger" and/or " Worst commentor" lol So with that in mind think of some possible users that might perfectly fit into that category.Please note that the actually voting probably won't be until the middle of November or towards the end of November.

But not to worry! A list of questions will be released earlier than that, so you can do a little thinking/research if you'd like.

A video with the winners will be released shortly after votes are tallied and winners/nominees are chosen.

If you have any questions, ideas and so forth about the 2010 eBaumy eWards please feel free to message UsedCarMan and/or myself nyyank257. We will reply back to you as soon as possible.

I hope eBaum users will join for this 1st Annual event!

Thank you for reading



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