
A Crock O'bama

Several people who grace the pages of this blog (the Faux News Junkies) think that because I think that the Republican Party is made up of a bunch of theiving, lying, tyrannical fat cats who only listen to oil companies, Halliburton, or anyone else who is willing to pay the price for them to go man whoring around Washington, then I must be a Democrat and hence forth (I had to throw a big transition in here so retards like laxman12 and his ilk will just stop reading) I must be voting for that cocksucker Obama.  

Well, I will have you all know that while I was at the Farmer's Market buying some groceries, I signed a petition to get Nader on the ballot in my state (I like to give my money to real farmers instead of the cocksuckers that try and fuck them at the supermarkets)... BTW Enjoy your salmonila tomatoes and peppers and e-coli spinach that you bought at the fuckin Wal MartSupercenter... Anyways, I am getting off topic here... we were talking about that cocksucker Obama.  I want you all to know that if I planned on voting for a cocksucker in November, it would be that cocksucker stewbaker because if were gonna get fucked in the ass come Inauguration Day, it might as well be by family.

Here is why I am not voting for Obama.  While you all might fall for empty rhetoric, I like a little substance with my politics (you know, I want it to be like a high fiber diet that scrapes all the shit out of your intestines and not just the shit that's on the surface).  Obama just doesn't do shit for me (pun intended and if you don't know what a pun is, stop reading right now, turn the gas on in the kitchen and stick your head in the oven).  What exactly is change?  Sure, we had a white guy in the white house and if he's elected, there will be a brown man in the white house (you don't think they'll call it the brown house, do you?), but, once we get the obvious out of the way, what kinds of changes will Obama bring to the country?  The last time I saw a black man talking about change as much as Obama does, he had a "will work for food" sign around his neck and was shaking a coffee can at me near an overpass.  What exactly does change mean?  Do any of you know?  If you don't, don't feel bad, neither does Obama.  

I also do not like the identity politics of the Democratic Party.  What used to be the party of the working class, is now the party of blacks, mexicans, feminazis, and peter puffers.  When you watch the news, the reporters say "Obama is having a hard time getting the working class white vote."  Well, no shit.  He's an Eddie Haskell looking Harvard lawyer married to a black power lawyer that looks like a young Aunt Esther off of Sandford and Son.  Now, how can a working class guy like me get behind a pair like that?  In the immortal words of Janet Jackson (notice my use of a token minority so that I can say I am being multicultural and won't offend the Democratic constituency), I say to the Democratic Party, "what have you done for me lately... ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah."  

They haven't done shit.  They rolled over on habeus corpus (that is the constitution right that says you cannot be illegally detained if you are a citizen) because apparently, the United States is more dangerous now than South Carolina was during Reconstruction (the last time habeus corpus was suspended, it was during the 1870's and they had a drunk Republican named Grant at the helm).  They keep funding a war that no one wants to fight because they are too chicken shit to not "support the troops" with more money.  They voted for the (un)Patriot Act and many of them did it without even reading it.  They couldn't even get S-CHIP (a bill to give health insurance to poor kids) through Congress.  Now, if they can't do any of the shit they promised, what makes you think that having O'Bama (maybe if he spelled his name this way, he could get some of that working class Irish vote in CHicago and wouldn't have to rely on Reverend Wright's congregation so much) in the white... er, I mean brown house, is going to make a difference.  

I have often heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions but in November of 2008, the road to four years of hell might be paved with white guilt.  I am glad that I don't have any white guilt so that I can either cast my vote for Nader or the Libertarian candidate running for President.    


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