
A Secret Operation From AW Smith pt. 7

Well damn, damn, damn.  I failed...Granny took off down the driveway hauling ass in reverse in her Cadillac headed towards the polls.  She voted blue, she voted democratic, she voted Obama.

And as I see McCain give his speech, I think deeply about the situation.  The situation being how much I hate politics.  I am glad this damn election is over so I can go back to watching stories on the news that bore me less as much as this crap...oh and porn and the UT games on my new Panasonic flatscreen TV.

Okay so auntie was mad when I called her telling her of how granny had escaped my grasp.  She said she would remember that, I knew it...she is going to lower my birthday check.  I didnt vote because I think it is unfair that my penis and dog do not get to vote.  I did not vote because I think, no, I know my vote doesnt count.  I did not vote because P Diddy Voted.  I did not vote because I am an American and do not have to. 

I am flipping McCain and Obama off right now, how about that for unity!

~AW Smith


p.s. I want to be nailin' Palin later tonight.

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