
Accommodating Or Sacrificing Our Own Freedom???

Who here is really getting assimilated? They blame the European and American Countries for showing no respect for other peoples culture. Now, really, those other people are they showing any to ours?


I have a good example to explain my point. In 2009, around early December. I am born and raised Catholic, I am a believer, but do not practise, I also believe in many other religions. Not into a god, or a mystical figure but the ideology of those religions. I grab the ideas and rules I agree with, and reject what I dislike. I even agree with some of the Muslim ideology. No one can actually call me racist, although I make puns and jokes about different cultures but I would never shun someone for their ideas, unless they are extremist about it.


So December, 200EIGHT. Christmas Time, holidays, people are smiling and saying hi to each other. Its probably the only time of the year where I see strangers go out of their way for each other. Either to hold open a door, or pick up something dropped. One thing is for sure, everyone takes advantage of the occasion to wish each other Merry Christmas.


Two thousand Nine was different, I remember, it was a Friday. I start work a little bit later. I wanted to stop at the local bakery near my work to pick up a cranberry and brie pie. I was telling my co-worker how delicious this thing is, and I was craving one. So I get in my car, I leave 30 minutes earlier then usual, I shove a cd in the player and head to the bakery. I get there, I walk in, I pick up the pie and while in line at the cash I overheard something that caught my attention. The cashier wished the woman in front of me;

Have a Happy December

Never in the 23 years of my life have I heard someone wishing a happy December to someone else. Nonetheless, my turn comes, she rings me up, I pay and she says it again. I answer with a Merry Christmas.




The two cashiers looked at me like I just said something that would get me killed So I pick up my stuff and think to myself never to buy from crazy people ever again. Turns out, Im the crazy one. Read up


I tell the story to my co-worker, and he shows me the daily paper. Muslims are offended that Christmas is celebrated in Canada even though its a religious holiday. The government having no balls, then officially banned Christmas, making it the December Holidays.

This is where I ask, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???

When Im pissed off, it stays, and I become arrogant. That same hour, just because God or whoever has a strong sarcastic personality, decides to send me a client, a couple Muslim and the wife is wearing full face ninja mask (Im sorry, I cant develop a sense of respect for that) I work in retail, I take care of everything along with my co worker. That means if someone needs help, I go help. Of course, they needed help. Which I did, and as they were leaving


I wished them a Merry Christmas, in a very heart warming tone.


He responds

I dont celebrate that Christmas thing you call it


I respond

I so happen to celebrate that Christmas thing, Does it cause a problem to you?


He responds

Yes it does, youre supposed to say Happy December


I respond

Hmmm, technically, its Christmas and not Halloween. Your wife is supposed to take off that mask in public, especially in a store like this. You know, I MIGHT have a misconception and I MIGHT think she wants to rob the place. You want me to call the cops as a precaution? This is not normal here, but Christmas has been here longer then you have so its staying.


His response

Well, he didnt have one he left. It took me a 5 sentence explanation. The guy realised that this isnt his turf, and that if my government is a pushover, the people are not. Apparently Im not so crazy anymore, because more people with my ideology have been telling off this invading nation and now the government is realising that those demands are RIDICULOUS.


Im going to take this time right now; to any that reads this


This is my third post on the subject, and not the last Im venting, and thanks for reading, but for 2010. I want to be the first to wish you a merry Christmas; we have some catching up to do for the 2009 loss.

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