
Anticipate My Needs

It was many years ago, perhaps during the building of the great pyramids, I was working as a lead hand. I was given a slave to help me put the finishing touches on the façade of our great building. We were both slaves, but I the head slave toiled to satisfy our master.

I taught the lower slave his simple tasks to assure an efficient operation as we progressed towards completion.  It was becoming painful to repeat simple requests, that to me at least seemed obvious.  In order to keep me functioning at full pace, my helper needed to insure certain aspects of our tasks were met. Like keep tight the rope as I refine the rock face to a perfect fit. Or  steady your end as the stone is lowered.  I repeated these operations to him for four score and seven years. 

As we progressed towards the capstone, I became lax in my commands. My breath drew slow, my legs were weighted , my concerns for the future played heavily on me.  But by the Gods of Kleenexes, my helper knew the routine, keep tight the rope and then steady your end. Why did I have to constantly repeat myself? 

I could not take this frustration any more and screamed out, "You bloody fool, anticipate my needs.
" His face was surprised. It grew angry. He repeated three times, "Anticipate your needs. Are you fucking kidding me?"  We both looked at each other and burst out into  a great laughter, realizing what a perfect gem we had discovered.

It is said, " The woman is to serve the man so that society can be properly constructed. A man need not to berate his wife or be harsh and cruel. He simply must train her to, "Anticipate his needs"."

From the empty glass held high in the air,  to grumblings of hunger coming from his stomach or the rise of his Zipper , women world wide have learned to anticipate the needs of men.  You have only to thank me and my helper for providing you with this great  knowledge gleaned from the walls of the pyramids.

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