
BDSM shit:

So here's what's goin on : they're gonna have a BDSM pride parade in New York sometime this year. Same way as the gays but for the Masters and Slaves of this world. And for the ones that are in it for the kicks (no pun intended). That's fucked up, they're sayin that society needs to acknowledge their existence, and there's so many of em out there, and there's gonna be more when they go mainstream n shit, not counting all them lil mofuckaz that are kinda like in the closet that will come out when society will deem this shit right here appropriate. They gon hire Sean Penn to play a strugging slave activist named Coffee, they gon sue yo ass when u don't give a dominatrix overtime, they gon have em argue in maury pauvich over whose slave is who's,  conservatives say that the more they go public the more we'll see domination relationships in society, and we can kiss goodbye the equality we've been building but it's all bullshit, it's never gonna go that far, but still there's a whole World undergroind tahts' opposite to mainstream right now, they're so many that they feel like coming out now but here's what's interesting:

There's a couple that has a mansion with dungeons in it somewhere in the Midwest, these guys are known in the BDSM community for hosting parties and whatnot but here's where it gets creepy: these guys have a website where you can register a slave as yours, of course it's not legally binding or anything but still, it's legit in the BDSM world. So the Master/mistress pay a fee by credit card, provide all sorts of information, then the Slave pays another fee and confirms that he's owned by such and such and then they get a certificate of ownership. They're rich as fuck while they grant free access to their BDSM parties and dungeons and all, they make their money only with those fees, and they're kinda like an authority figure.  

I been smoking weed with some ppl that were into vampire role play, and it's not like some of you bums like to be a level 40 paladin on a computer  they take this shit very seriously ,here's what they do, they have no technology in their homes, they dress like Shakespeare n shit, they speak old english , they get custom made vampire fangs ( you can find them in any respectable Gothic store), and they call their life as vampires real lives and their life outside vanilla life. They even drink cow blood from some designated farms.

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