
Bombs Away



BP's recent attempt to "top kill" the biggest oil disaster in U.S. history has failed.  So what is the solution?  An energy expert says we should follow Russia's example and use nuclear weapons to stop the leak.

Prominent energy expert Matt Simmons, founder of energy investment bank Simmons & Company, says sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking well is probably the only thing we can do to stop the leak. Simmons also says that there is evidence of a second oil leak about five to seven miles from the initial leak that BP has focused on fixing. That second leak, he says, is so large that the initial one is minor in comparison.Probably the only thing we can do is create a weapons system and send it down 18,000 feet and detonate it, hopefully encasing the oil, he said.

His idea echoes that of a Russian newspaper that earlier this month suggested the US detonate a small nuclear bomb to seal the oil beneath the sea. Komsomoloskaya Pravda argued in an editorial that Russia had successfully used nuclear weapons to seal oil spills on five occasions in the past.

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