

In my younger days I'm told that I was a bully,at first I denied it,but after deep reflection,yes I was a bully.I then had to ask myself why.I thought back and from what I remember I would have to admit that I myself was bullied.I had an older brother he took his turn at me which meant his friends had privileges at also bulling me.I was a small little runt so I had to fight for everything that I wanted.So I picked out some kids that were meaner than me,at the time that is,I hung out with them,learned the ropes and pretty soon they didn't fuck with me.I think that if you've never had your ass whipped before,then you've spent your life running like a little bitch.I stopped being a bully after I beat the living shit out of a kid I knew.This kids father put his kid up to fighting me over something,I really can't remember what it was about,anyway this kids father was a ass.I beat this kid to the ground he said he had enough,so I stopped.His dad made this kid come at me again so I beat him down again.I let him up so his dad sent him at me again.This happened 2 more times,I was so tired that I just said fuck it and walked away.I should have stopped after the first time.After that I went to a more structured environment.I joined a boxing club, AAU.It was the best thing I could have done for myself.I beat the shit out of other people and other people beat the shit out of me,IT WAS GREAT.I still to this day don't understand how someone can let a bully beat the shit out of them and not fight back.I am still seeing it happen today as an adult,only now it's destroying our country because the cowards are in control.To those who bullied me thank you so much,to those that I bullied shame on you you should have fought back,hell some of you probably could have whipped my ass.That would have been OK with me,really it would have.Oh to be young again. I would not change a thing.

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