
Evocative Title!

So, February 2007 rolls around, and gets a new login system. Being a local friend of the site and avid lover of the content that hit the net, I, of course, signed up right away. At first I signed in sparsely, only watching a few videos while signed in and commenting every once in a while.

Later that summer, a new section was added. That's right, the "Rants" section (I should point out if you don't remember that section or what happened just after that, leave now because this will bore you). A few people wrote FML style rants, but not enough to maintain the section in any way. So, soon after that, it was transformed and renamed the "Blog" section.

It was in name only, for blogs. In fact, after several of the early goers staked our claim, if anyone wrote anything about their pathetic, miserable lives...they would be one-starred and told to get the fuck out. They usually did so. The fact of the matter was, all of our lives sucked in some way or another. Bitching about it wasn't going to make it any better.

As time went on, into the next year, there was a core of about 35-50 people that would hit the site on a daily basis. Weekly, about 100-200. Most of us were outspoken, some, more than others. Politics; religion; music; movies; sex; short stories; etc., all were fair game and depending on the author, the topic didn't matter. It would be a quality post even if it was about mutant frogs that had 6 legs.

I liked most of the people on here that were regulars, and, I think most of them liked me as well. However, the newcomers were the pledges trying to get into a fraternity, and we let them know it. If they stuck through it, they were welcome to stay and be a part of the fun we had. If they didn't, who gave a damn? There would be 10 more people the next day trying the same thing.

Our community faced troubles. What community doesn't? It didn't matter, though. In the long run, we were all in it together and had each others back. After the split, being said local friend of the site, I had to side with eBaum. I liked the new site and continue to like it, even though I have not visited it in well over 2 months now.

I was always in it for the people, and the writing. The people have changed for me, mostly because I suck at keeping up with people I know and like. I have several of you as friends on Facebook, and I do pay attention to what you say, even if I don't take enough time to show it. The writing occurs in other venues for me now. I am doing freelance writing around the net for various political and video game websites, and I enjoy it greatly.

I am sure there are many of you that don't give a damn what I have to say. That's cool, because I probably don't give a damn about you at all. People never cared what I said, that's why over time I racked up countless hate posts. Every one made me a little happier.

So, I am not returning, but I will continue to check in every now and again to see how the few people I know are doing on here. Good luck with what you are doing, and remember to have fun doing it.

I am Ellimem, and this is my post.
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