
Evony for shameless advertising tricks look no further

here at Evony, we want you to play our shamelessly stolen game where we drew on top of a shitty oversimplidfied variatation of age of empires so much that we have subjected you to:

-inane and vague damsel in distress pictures of poorly drawn vaguely female characters in non descript renisiance clothing, because we know you're an insecure man child who wants the power trip of being somethings savior, even if it is just a line of code

-when that didn't attract you we tried graphicals renderings of elf girls making orgasm faces complete with vaguely submissive text, because we know you get such a chubby from being called 'my lord'

-When that didn't work either we made composite renderings of diferent women our marketing team assured us were attractive, and we tried the text again. we're worry none of these women really apear in the game, they don't actually exist, we know they look real but you're a tool for believing us, our game isn't even rendered all that nicely.

-we ocasionaly have a picture of a knight that looks like he's taking a dump, even we don't know why

please play our shitty game, we have kids to feed with our ad space money, if you don't we'll have to make something original and clever, and we just don't have the talent.

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