
Fox news.....

Fox News comedy show, Red Eye, yukked it up over ACORN pimp James OKeefes plan to punk a CNN reporter by seducing her and humiliating her when she showed up to prepare for a documentary on conservative activists. Host Greg Gutfeld said OKeefe showed a healthy disdain for media and even argued that he would have done the same thing. Guest Ann Coulter, still being investigated for voter fraud by the State of Connecticut (her second such investigation), whined about poor little James OKeefe being attacked instead of Michael Moore or Stephen Colbert.

You may recall that Gutfeld is the Fox News chickenhawk who last year belittled and made fun of the toll on the Canadian Army fighting in Afghanistan. Its clear his sense of humor hasnt changed much. Nor his sense of decency.

Sadly, most of the rest of the panel had a similar outlook.

Gutfeld thought OKeefe might have just been playing a clever prank. "(O'Keefe's argument was that he believed that, he assumed that CNN was going to portray young conservatives as weird bigots I would have done the same thing (my emphasis) You kind of go, like, OK, These people are going to make fun of us, so lets do something weird.

Coulter said, Right I dont know why we all worship Michael Moore and Stephen Colbert and jump down this guys throat." Um, maybe because neither Moore nor Colbert ever tried to sexually humiliate someone and secretly record it?

In a later segment, ombudsman Andy Levy told the panel, Part of OKeefes script called for the prank to end with her in tears begging to be let off the boat. That goes beyond a prank and my guess is, it might well be criminal.

Coulter objected. But that didnt happen! Coulter has already given us an idea of how much respect for the law she has. Now she has shown how much character she has, too.

Regular Bill Schulz quipped that OKeefes notes for the seduction scheme had an LOL at the end.

That drew more cackles from Coulter. Poor little James OKeefe, she whined. I want to see half this much time spend denouncing Stephen Colbert. She added that she didnt mind OKeefe because he didnt waste my money whereas Colbert did.

Fuck Ann Coulter.

Fuck Fox News.

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