

Before you read this, this is serious to me, if you have a comment not related to this blog I deeply suggest you move to the next one.

My Grandfather was the one person in life who was always there for me, no matter what the circumstance or situation, from birth he was there even though he wasn't my blood grandfather. He always made sure I had a roof over my head and nice clothes and things to have. Christmas when I was younger was all him. Birthdays and graduation he was there sitting in the crowd watching me, one thing he cared more about in life was education and work. He himself worked so many jobs that I can barely remember half of them. When people used to talk to him the only thing he would wanna talk about is his two "boys". We did the whole 9 yards so to speak, my first time throwing a baseball, first major league ball game, my first movie at a theater, my first everything. He was really the only father figure I ever had in my life and I never really thought different but then I never gave it much thought.

The past year and a half he was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told him he will only make it Three months and that nothing he did would stop the cancer, he made it over a year. He kept going and did treatments 4 times a week sitting in the hospital for 8 hours straight a day the entire year. My grandmother recently told me the only reason he was fighting was to see me and my younger brother go to college and start our lives. I couldn't imagine knowing you are going to die and there is nothing you can do but wait, but he really thought he was going to beat it. His will was so high he didn't care what anyone said.

I didn't get to see my grandfather before he died, I didn't get to hug him and tell him I was proud of making me into the person I was. I didn't get to do any of these things and even as I sit here typing this I can barely see through my tearing eyes to type this. I never got to tell him how I really felt.

This September, he was rushed to the hospital where he passed away, and every single day I wake up he is the first thing that I think about and the last before I lay my head. Now I am living with the fact that I wasn't there to help somehow, and it's so hard that I can barely live day by day with the fact that I never got to do this. 

What the point of this blog is, you never know when you or a loved one might pass on, live everyday to the fullest and always give love and make sure they know you love them. Let go of the bad and let the good come...


I am Eastside & I'm ready to bring the blogs back.
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