
Green baby green..........

Al Gore has once again found himself in the news and here is a surprise, he once again looks like the idiot he has always been. I am sure most of you have heard his Going Green movie has some....well....inconvienant truths and ouch that has to hurt. last summer while his wife waited in the car the limo driver had the car running for over 45 minutes so Tipper could stay cool. Hell I don't blame her I would have too but .......well you know. I guess when you are the designated guy who is running around screaming the Sky is Falling the Sky is Falling you dont have to help hold it up. (the sky) I heard that the British government has found 9 or is it 11 inconvenient truths and when a British reporter tried to confront Gore at a meeting about Keeping it green they shut his microphone off. I guess these guys are serious about saving energy.

Now before someone comes out here and says that Bo doesn't believe in the whole we are destroying the world thing, well I assure you I do think we are. The problem is we as Americans always seem ready to find a problem and then make it ten times worse than it is. Here is a couple oldies but goodies I told Gore when you aren't busy inventing the internet then put all your stuff in the lock box, what an idiot just think we could have had him as our leader.......


Thanks for reading Bohank


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