
Hanzo vs. Climate Change and Global Warming propaganda

So I ran into a piece of propaganda a while ago that really pissed me off.  Now, I'm used to people trying to push vegetarianism, even veganism, onto as many people as they can, like a bible-thumper soliciting your attention as to why being a Christian is the only way not to burn for all eternity when you die.  And that's not what pissed me off, but it gets kind of annoying when you keep hearing, *sigh, prepare Mort Goldman voice*, "Oh, meat is moyder! Eating animals is so wrong and unmerciful!" If you're a vegetarian or vegan, good for you.  If you're not up my ass about it, I'm not talking about you. There's no way in hell I could pull that shit off though, so don't be trying to push that on to me.  I fucking love meat.  But I'm not gonna sit there and tell you how to live your fucking life, so I expect the same courtesy in return.  If you start preaching, I'm probably going to tell you to fuck off and/or to go fuck yourself.  And God help you if you say the reason I should go vegan is because of...GLOBAL WARMING.

That I should stop eating animals because if I keep eating animals, the fucking polar ice caps are going to melt.  Am I the only one noticing that this planet is actually getting colder, not warmer? Al Gore wants us to believe that we're endangering all those cute little polar bear cubs because all the human stuff we do is making the Earth warmer! Oh, Shinobu Sensui was right, humans are bad and we should all die, right? And we should let the state tell us that we can only have one child and force abortions if a woman is subsequently knocked up after, right? Just like mainland China! That would make our communist overlord Obama so proud! And we can have secret death panels for all the veterans and old people, oh, it'll be so trendy! Oooh. People are all so inherently evil! We're all so bad and we should feel bad! The polar bears! Ooh, it's so trendy to give all of our rights up to the state and let them tell us how to run our lives and selectively cull us and dumb us down because of the environment.  7 billion people is far too many!  Too many people means too much carbon dioxide! And they live in buildings and drive cars! How DARE THEY.  Never mind that plants breathe carbon dioxide, aren't getting enough of it, the current level it's at is nowhere NEAR causing a catastrophic climate change and fulfilling Al Gore's little doom porn fantasy, 2+2=5 because the Goebbels propaganda machine tells us what to think.

While we're on this Al Gore thing, he also wants us to believe that he invented the Internet and that Manbearpig is real.  He's super duper serial! Also, An Inconvenient Truth.  The same boneheaded squad of propagandists is currently working on a film that tells America that the reason we're all gettin' fat and gettin' diabeetus is sugar.  Never mind that most of the sugar in our foods has been phased out in favor of high fructose corn syrup and aspartame and sucralose, all of which are MUCH worse, and let's forget all about our good friend monosodium glutamate.  HFCS is processed with mercury, aspartame is the literal excretion of E.Coli bacteria fed toxic waste and when sucralose was tested on rats, they got leukemia.  But oh, sugar is so bad.  Real sugar is bad, GMO is good, 2+2 equals whatever Obama says.  Pay no attention to all the Frankenstein experimentation done on our fruits and vegetables and the spraying of them with generous coats of Round-up and other poisonous pesticides.  Just keep drinking your flouride and take anything the television tells you as irrefutable fact.

Now, how the blueberry fuck does eating animals contribute to catastrophic global warming? According to the propagandists, that's supposed to happen because there's too much CO2 on this planet, a byproduct of there being too much life on this planet.  If an animal dies, that's less CO2.  Of course, slaughtering and processing them in factory farms involves more pollution, but the same people who tell us we're polluting too much are doing ungodly experiments with our food, spraying chem trails in the sky to control the weather, and fluoridating our water supply to force-medicate us without our acknowledgement, much less our fucking permission.  Also, factory farms are a better vehicle for pushing veganism, if you really wanna preach your happy little ass off, and try to tell me how to live my fucking life, there you go.  I believe factory farms should be protested, I wouldn't go as far as to go vegan because of it, but I support raising livestock humanely.  From all accounts I've heard, they taste better when they're not raised under miserable conditions and constantly surrounded by their own waste and other dead animals.  People used to raise, kill and prepare the animals themselves, that's what we should go back to, but nature, like everything else nowadays, is illegal now.  We gotta have a license and jump through flaming hoops on a unicycle and sell our souls to Lucifer, just to be able to have a farm that's going to be taken from us anyway.  We can't deal raw milk, or save rain water or grow marijuana.  So can we please deal with all the bureaucratic government overreach telling us nature is illegal BEFORE trying to push this agenda of "oh, meat is moyder! And we should all be vegan!" The first step to real environmentalism is acknowledging the real problems to our environment, which are the same people dumping their Goebbels propaganda onto us.

"But oh, what about the methane? What about the methane, Hanzo? The methane gas is a greenhouse gas and it's fucking up our environment!" What about the fucking methane? "Oh, because we're raising so many cows and other forms of livestock that produce methane and the climate change is going to be our fault because of it!" If you believe that, I've got some snake oil I'd like to sell you.  These freakin' milky-lickers out here wearing an Al Gore buttplug and would stop breathing if the radicalist left told them to, shit's getting ridonkulous out here.  Methane is what comes out whenever you fart or take a shit.  Methane isn't fucking up our environment anywhere NEAR as much as the chem trails are, this is all pushed to indoctrinate the hippie left with the idea that we're overpopulated so that they might support the Illuminati depopulation agenda (A Holocaust that's less obvious to the sheeple than the Holocaust was) that is Agenda 21.
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