
I Betrothed FigNewton For A Night Of Passion

It was a glorious Friday night and I was feeling frisky deep within my loins, a beautiful looking 14 year old was logged in by the name of FigNewton (she claims to be 19). Her breasts were as exquisite as bacon and as beautiful as a teenager falling on a skateboard.  She has the voice of a warm sexy animal. After a few shots of courage, I had the audacity to ask her to be in a Civil Union with me. She of course could not resist my ways of masculinity by making fun of Mervin, the white guy stuck in a black mans body.

After we were married to each other in a gay relationship, she of course ripped off all of my clothes and started man handling my wolverine. The night of love making was so fierce and passionate (even the Gods video taped us having sex for their own personal sexual use), I knew this so called 19 year old would love me forever. But I guess forever means 1 WHOLE FUCKING DAY.

Christiana, take me back, I promise to only cheat on you when your vagina gets to worn out...

Always and Forever,

Your Civil Union Partner
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