
I love boy stuff

When I was a kid I always asked for a big yellow tonka truck for x-mas and always wound up with a barbie doll or two. I would hide my disapointment and try to pretend I like the damn things by making them all pretty and displaying them on top of my dresser.

Back in the 80s, we all played nintendo but for some reason, games were more ''boy-oriented'' most of the time. I loved Contra, Zelda, Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct as much as Bubble Bobble or Mario Kart. Unfortunately, boys wouldnt let me have my turn as often as the other boys under the argument that I wasnt as good as them so there was no challenge and it made it boring. That was true only half of the time so it kinda bothered me for years.

Then I got into my tweens or early teens and suddenly clothing myself in a gender appropriate way became an issue. I never liked dresses, tights, hairdos, girlie shoes and such. As a matter of fact, one day when i was in the second grade I got into a fight with a boy at school during recess and pushed me to the ground then lifted up my skirt and yelled: AHAH!! I SEE YOUR PUSSY!!! Wich is pretty disturbing to see and hear from a 7 year old and still no teacher guarding the playground noticed what happened or even believed me when I told em what I just been through. So I havent worn skirts from that day until last summer. I bought a jeans mini skirt, wore it 5 or 6 times and tossed it deep in my closet. It was a burden to hide my panties walking up some stairs or getting on the bus and sitting down without flashing my pussy was a constant battle. Since I dont like to have attention driven at my vag ( im so not a slut) I decided to stop trying.

At the age of 19 I became a carpenter/cabinetmaker. I was on a program from the government where you worked in a real shop but they would teach you how to do everything. So there I was for 6 months. When I first started, I was afraid of holding a drill and by the end of my training I was making furniture from A to Z. I did that kinda work for almost 4 years before my left hip started bugging me again. I had it operated at 11 because my femur wasnt growing as fast as the rest of my body and I wasnt making anymore cartilage around my pelvis bone. Im not handicapped or anything, I just dont have as much endurance on that hip as the other one does. Lifting up heavy stuff all the time caught up on me way, way quicker than I imagined so I had to change domains.

All my life I always liked to hang out with guys more than with girls, mainly because I have no interrest whatsoever in the usual girl-stuff. I hate shopping, fashion, gossip, going to the hairdresser and most of all, dancing. I dont know many girl that would go to a heavy metal concert with me and follw me in the moshpit. As a teen I would hang out at the skateboarding ramp and get boozed and stoned with dudes. Sure I dye my  hair in funky ways sometimes, I wear a little makeup, I shave my legs and paint my nails but dare you defeat me in a belching contest. At the end of the day, although I hate the expression I guess you can just call me a TOMBOY.

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