
-If you don't Vote, then you are Worthless-

Whether you hate it or love it, these are the only times in your life where your voice, not matter how small, matters to those in government.  Elections are crucial to our representative form of government.  Go out and VOTE!  Otherwise you mean nothing whatsoever, as you will be worthless to the people who represent the state or nation that you live in. 


For those of you who say, "Your vote doesn't matter", then why do the very Politicians you despise are willing to spend millions of dollars just to reach your ears?  It's worth something to them, and it can be worth something to you.  If you do not like the candidates, then you can vote for who ever the hell you want!  Write fucking Mickey mouse or Darth Vader in the Ballot! You're lazy, that's all it means, and there are NO excuses.


If you want more then your single voice, then go out and help campaign for the person you want into the Presidency, or the Congress, or the Mayors office.  Easily you can turn one vote, into 20 votes by just helping to register people.  You don't like how campaigns are run?  Then Vote AGAINST THEM!  Vote for fucking Ron Paul!  Just VOTE! Otherwise, you're just allowing it to continue.


Pease, educate yourself in Elections!  Hell, even just look at the current candidates websites!  All it takes is 5 mins out of your life, and I guarantee it will be fore the Better; or else the very people you despise most might get into a office that has direct influence over you.  Don't be part of the "Apathetic" problem.  If you don't vote, then they will not listen to your complaints for suggestions.


This isn't a request that you vote for Barack Obama or John McCain, this is a request that you just take charge of your single ballot.  Here is a quick satire, and if you do not like the way campaigns are done, then actually use your voice to call for a change, instead of complaining to those of us who do vote and take a part in the process.




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