
Is It Necessary To Do A Laparoscopy Before IVF?

If you are one of the young couples struggling to get pregnant naturally, even after trying for more than one year, you don’t need to take the stress as you can easily conceive with IVF assistance (Invitro-fertilization).

For couples, IVF treatment can be challenging when they have no idea where to get one, as it is essential to make the required early assessments and preparations before getting your IVF treatment in Bangalore.

Though, in some cases, the provisions of the pelvic region are determined by laparoscopy. Moreover, every patient is unique with their own identity, and deciding whether a hysteroscopy procedure is necessary or not before IVF treatment depends on an individual’s situation. Thus, in this article, you will find all the details about the process and tendency of laparoscopy before an IVF treatment.

What is laparoscopy?

A smaller incision is made during surgery during laparoscopy, allowing access to the inside of the abdomen and pelvis, followed by inserting a slender tool to monitor what is occurring inside so that a doctor doesn’t have to make significant cuts in your body.

When is laparoscopy used?

It is used to treat primary health conditions that are present in the abdomen or pelvis. It can also be used to perform surgical procedures, including removing a damaged organ or a tissue sample for further analysis.

Generally, it is used for

Urology-Diagnosis and treatment of the urinary system

Gynaecology-Diagnosis and treatment of the female reproductive system

Gastroenterology: diagnosis and treatment of the digestive system.

What is the laparoscopy procedure?

  • To remove the pain in the procedure, general anesthesia is given.
  • Small incisions are made in the abdomen area.
  • The surgeon inserts the laparoscope, small surgical tools, and a tube to pump gas into the abdomen.
  • At last, the gas is let out of your abdomen area, followed by the closing of the incisions using stitches and dressing.
  • You can either go on the same day, but it is advised to stay in the hospital overnight.

Safety provisions related to laparoscopy

The laparoscopy procedure is well known and includes some challenges, such as:

Minor Challenges

One in every 100 women who undergo a laparoscopy procedure faces these difficulties.

  • Infection
  • Feeling sick and sometimes puking
  • Minor bleeding
  • Staining around the incision

Serious Challenges

Serious challenges usually occur in 1 out of every 1000 women, and they include:

  • Harm to an organ that could cause it to stop functioning, like your bowels or bladder
  • Damage to the major artery
  • Trouble arising from using carbon dioxide in the surgery includes gas bubbles getting into your veins or arteries.
  • Allergic reaction to general anesthesia
  • A blood clot forming in a vein, usually in one leg, has the potential to separate and obstruct blood flow to the lungs.

Benefits of laparoscopy?

  • You will have smaller cuts.
  • You will be discharged from the hospital in less time.
  • You will start doing your daily activities sooner.
  • Reduced risk of internal scarring

How much does laparoscopy cost?

  • In India, Laparoscopic Surgery Cost has a minimum starting price of INR 33,250.
  • The average cost of laparoscopic surgery typically costs INR 45,500 in India.
  • The maximum cost of laparoscopic surgery in India can cost up to INR 77,000.


Getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby is what every couple looks for at some point in their life. However, with the changing environment, many couples face several obstacles to conceiving naturally. However, with the introduction of IVF, The situation has changed drastically, and now anyone can start planning their baby without giving it extra thought. However, depending on the women's health, a laparoscopy for infertility may be required in some cases. 

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