
Kilgore's Killing Floor

Kilgore_Redux_2.jpg   So, there I was...19 and hitchhiking from Florida to what was supposed to be San Diego originally. I wasn't alone but traveling with two road dogs that I barely knew. One of them had mentioned that they had good friends in San Diego and we would be taken care of so we hit the road with a couple hundred bucks and our bags on our backs. It was rough getting rides, with three ragtag ruffians collecting dust with their thumbs out but three days later found us in downtown Houston at 3am. 

   Now we were all small town boys and quickly realized that we were way out of our element so we decided to hunker down at the Greyhound station till morning. After an hour or so, the overhead intercom blared to life with an announcement of a certain bus that was going to be extremely late due to unforeseen circumstances. This news was met with a wave of dissatisfied grumbles from awaiting passengers and hopeful friends and family that were eagerly anticipating its arrival. To us it was a perfect opportunity to blend in that much easier.

   About 15 minutes later we were approached by a guy that asked if we knew what had happened to before mentioned bus and we informed him of the announcement. He told us he was waiting for a good friend of his that he hadn't seen in years and was disappointed that he had to delay the celebration. He invited us outside to have a couple drinks from a bottle he had in his trunk and we were more than happy to oblige. After passing the bottle around a couple of times he asked if we would like to come back to his place to drink some more. He had mentioned that he lived alone and we outnumbered him and knew how to scrap so we saw no issue with this and off we went.

   Now the moment we walked into his place I immediately was on guard because I noticed that he had locked the door with a deadbolt that needed a key from the inside. We passed the bottle around and after a little while I asked him when we were going to head back to check on his friend. He stated that his friend had the phone number and would call when he arrived. The bottle made a couple more trips my way and I began to feel odd and queasy. I asked where the bathroom was and weaved my way down the hallway. I heard the familiar sounds of snoring coming from an open door on my left and peeked inside to see three linebacker sized dudes laid out on the floor. I was confused of why the guy had said he was alone when he obviously didn't and made a mental note to ask. I got to the bathroom and was emptying my swollen bladder when my stomach churned and I fell to my knees and vomited unlike anything ever before. I felt a bit better afterwards and made my back to the party.

   As soon as I came back our host announced that everyone should get some rest and threw us some pillows and shut off the lights. My head had begun to spin and I forgot to ask about the mystery extras in the other room. I welcomed the soothing darkness and soft pillow and it didn't seem to be all that important. "Maybe I'll ask him when we wake up."I thought to myself and closed my eyes. After an imperceivable amount of time, I felt hands on my thighs and a tugging at my belt. I awoke with a start and heard a voice hiss, "It's ok...shhhh." I kicked my feet into his abdomen and said "whoa, dude...I'm not like that!" and he slipped away into the darkness. I still felt crazy weird and suddenly very scared because I now realized the reality of our situation. At this point I hear slurping sounds from across the room and jump up and see this guy having his way orally with one of my buddies. I stumbled to my feet and start hollering at the top of my lungs for everybody to wake up. The knob gobbler jumps up and says he's not hurting anyone as I run over and start kicking the suckee. He must have drank a heck of alot more than everyone else because after several kicks into his ribs before he finally woke. My other travelling companion had woke by this point and they were both totally confused as to why I was freaking out.

   I demanded that the door be opened with the key that was in Molestro's pocket and he began screaming that he had a gun and would shoot us if we touched him (ironic, I know) and he grudgingly obliged. We scooped up our bags and hightailed through the courtyard all the while being asked why the hell was I all freaked out. Suddenly as if preordained, a city bus magically pulled up in front of the complex and we hopped on board. I explained to the others what had happened to me but left out the part of the one getting his junk punked, (he never would have been able to handle the truth) and to this day I wonder what happened to those dudes in that room, were they just sleeping or drugged? But fuck them, we were safe at least.






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