
Monsanto. Wolf in sheeps clothing.

Monsanto, the great humanitarians they are, have decided to give the starving people of Haiti $4million dollars worth of hybrid seed. So now big American agra business wants the people of Haiti to grow their own crops? Monanto says there are no strings attached and to avoid flooding the market with seed it will be sold at markets. Of course Monsanto won't get any of the money.

For decades Haiti has been unable to feed itself, while local farms have been wiped out by competition from cheap foreign food and free food aid -- especially from the United States. After decades of economically suppressing these people Big Agra wants to come to their rescue? Who is going to purchase these seeds and buy the land necessary to grow them? Why would any farmer do that, only to have Big American Agra wipe out any investment by dumping food into Haiti as they have for generations?

Hybrid seeds from Monsanto have already destroyed years of cultivated local seeds in many countries, either by legal means or ecologically. Once seeds from Monsanto infests an area they have to be used over and over as locally cultivated seed is choked off by the hybrid species or Monsanto launches law suites against cash strapped farmers. Once farmers are bound to Monsanto seeds they have to purchase the new seeds year after year. Monsanto has cultivated that part of the equation out of farm production.

Monsanto might not make any profits from the first delivery of seed, but they will either control all the agra-business in the future or totally make the poor people of Haiti reliant on foreign supply of food products.

Fuck Monsanto, Fuck Dole and Fuck the International Food Corporation!

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