
My Mistakes.

 Yes, it is true I have made some embarrassing mistakes in my life. I once made love in a human dung heap. Completely accidental, but when I brushed back my lovers hair with a shit filled hand, it was rather disturbing. It turns out the perfect hiding place to enjoy a little nookie is also the perfect place to take an emergency shit. Then there was the time I took a date deep into the woods were I knew there was a wolf pack you could observe from a distance. It turned out she had no interest in being bitten by mosquitoes or in wild life. She ran in fear as soon as I showed her the white wolves. I had to stand still between the Alpha dog and my date until she was out of site. Of course, then I had to find her, console her and take her home. I've made mistakes here too, even though I am much the wiser than most. It's a kind of game I play, mostly being forthright and totally honest, but once in a while some irritably ironic, self righteous or debased action on behalf of those I had respect for or reserved the right to have respect for, sends me into a controlled frenzy. I understand the foibles, weakness and pretentiousness of people, but sometimes I want to rub shit into their eyes as I make love to them. 

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