
Neko, The Muse

I've realised that Neko-punching the trolls is just one aspect of how I'm saving the Blogs section. Another is inspiring people. Because I'm beautiful, smart, funny, intelligent and smart, a lot of people write blogs about me.

It's great to be a muse. I'm the inspiration for many bloggers here. Not only the good ones like Andrewryan69, but also the ones that were forgotten. Even somebody who barely gets 40 views on their shitty blogs can now get 400 views when using my name in the title.

There was more than one song written about me. I liked Ikilledkenny's tune she meowed.

If you don't know what to write about me yet, maybe this will help you.


* I've stopped the shitty flash fiction fad which was spamming the section. Nobody dared to post their flash fiction blog after mine and it was the ONLY flash fiction blog posted this week. Great success.

Those pointless flash fiction blogs are usually written by faggot-ass FLOWER power hipsters who don't have any idea about how to write an actual blog. Have MERCY on my Blogs section and stop spamming it with your worthless garbage. I've set the quality standards much higher, and I would appreciate you stop posting this shit here. You sound like NEEDLE abusing druggies with brains shrunk so much with drugs, that all you can post now are random stories. Majorfathead, grab a fucking CHAIN and hang yourself, queer.

For my flash fiction I used the 4 words chosen this week by Majorfathead: FLOWER, MERCY, NEEDLE and CHAIN.

* I healed Tomlet's soul. He doesn't write about how his wife hurting him anymore. That's because I gave him free therapy and psychologistic tips. That's right, I'm not only a great musician. I'm also a psychologist and a philanthropist.

* I've made Rin obsessed with me laughing at her obesity problem. Those of you who go to live chat and had a chance to see her on cam know what I mean. I owned her in my comment to her blog about how she hates attractive actors (it got over 15 thumbs up) and she kinda spends every hour of her life thinking about me now. Here's the aforementioned brilliant comment

You are experiencing a common resent to
attractive men displayed by fat, unattractive
girls. Since you got turned down by the
healthy, slim and muscular guys so many times,
you started to act like it's you who doesn't
find them hot. You're afraid another one of
them is going to call you a pig. It's okay,
I'm a psychologist.- MrsNekoJeans July 25th 2011 1:00 am
Here's a reply from Hakik, known to be very attractive and smart like me.

You hit it on the nail. This is such a
typical reaction from girls who have
been rejected by good looking guys, so
they act like they're not impressed by
hot guys, so that they don't have to
admit that they're just too ugly to get
them. - Hakik July 25th 20112:41 am

So I propose you a blog game! You have to prepare a blog using these 5 words:


You may use the recent events from "The Successfull Life of MrsNekoJeans, The Savior of Blogs Section"

Sorosoro, guys!
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